Anaerobic infections Laboratory                  



Head of the laboratory-

Derkach S.A., M.D.,Ph.D., senior researcher



Dyachenko V.F.,  Leading researcher, D.Biol., Ph.D.
Maryuschenko A.M., Leading researcher, M.D., Ph.D.

Gorodnitskaya N.I., Senior Researcher, M.D.., Ph.D.

Serdechna E.S., Junior Researcher

Kutsay N.M., Junior Researcher

Some publications:

1.     Antibiotic susceptibility of S.aureus strains isolated from different habitats of children with inflammatory diseases involving intestinal dysbiosis / ². À. Voronkina // Actual problems of modern medicine: Bulletin of the Ukrainian Medical dental Academy. – 2010. T.10. - ¹ 3(31). – P. 121-124.

2.     Antibiotic resistance of community acquired S.aureus strains, isolated from intestines / ². À. Voronkina, S. A. Derkach, I. A. Krilova, L. S. Gabisheva, M. I. Krasnov, T. L. Piddubna // Infectious diseases. – 2011. - ¹3 (65). – P.51-55. –ISSN 1681-2727.

3.     The method for differential diagnostics of infectious and noninfectious diarrhea / S.A. Derkach, M. D. Katz, O. V. Kotsar, I.A. Voronkina, I. A. Krilova, V. M. Kozko, M. I. Krasnov, I. M. Baluta, A. V. Parusov, I. Yu. Kuchma, A. Yu. Volyansky, S. I. Valchuk, O. E. Pyervomayskaya // Pat. 61634 UA, MPK (2011.01) A61B 5/00 A61B 10/00. - ¹ u 2010 15791 ; statement 27.12.2010; publ. 25.07.2011, Bull. ¹14.

4.     Problems of S.aureus methicillin resistance in the region of Kharkiv / O. V. Kotsar // Internal institute conference of young Scientists experience and achievements of young scientists of the Institute in field of Dermatology and Venereology

5.     Sensibility of MRSA strains to antibiotics of different classes/ S.A. Derkach, I.A. Voronkina, O. V. Kotsar, L. S. Habysheva, I. M. Baluta, T. L. Piddubna // Congress of the D. K. Zabolotny Ukrainian Scientific-Medical Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Parasitologists “Problems and the evolution of the epidemic process and parasitic systems leading infections of the present time”. – Kharkiv, 2011. – P. 83.

6.     Sensibility of enterobacteria to bacteriophages and some approaches to objectification of acute enteric infections microbiological diagnostics / I.A. Voronkina, S. G. Malanchuk, N. Yu. Lebedeva, I.M. Baluta, T. A. Chernyaeva, N. L. Solonina // Congress of the D. K. Zabolotny Ukrainian Scientific-Medical Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Parasitologists “Problems and the evolution of the epidemic process and parasitic systems leading infections of the present time”. – Kharkiv, 2011. – P. 136.