Library of the Institute

The scientifical library of the Institute functions since the day of its foundation. It services the employee and graduate student. The fund of the library has 53 942 copies (19 000 foreign publishing), formed from books, periodic publishing, authors abstract of dissertation, methodical textbooks, bibliographic literature. There is a reading room and subscription in the library. The fund of the library keeps rarity of the publishing on microbiology, epidemiology and immunology.

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[Military Medicine Database] Free access

Access from Institute (IP-address of the Institute):

[Scopus] Free access from IP-adress of the Institute

[Web of Science] Free access from IP-adress of the Institute

[Bentham Science] Free access from IP-adress of the Institute

[Research4Life] Free access with Login/Password

Profiles of the Institute:

[Nauka] Free Information about the Institute and laboratories

[Scopus Profile]Profile of SO "IMINAMS" in Scopus ( after personal registration only)

[Web of Sciences Profile]Profile of SO "IMINAMS" in WoS ( after personal registration only)